Past Seasons

Music Gallery

2022-2023 Season

Diving deep into concept of remix, our first season 'post-pandemic' explores interconnecting stories.

2021-2022 Season

This season is dedicated to opening up, both literally and metaphorically. Breaking norms, creating opportunities, and celebrating successes.
Music Gallery: 2020-2021 Season

2020-2021 Season

Entirely online, we welcomed new Artistic Director Sanjeet Takhar to the team as we navigated lockdowns with new forms of programming.
Music Gallery: x-avant-2018-2019-season

2019-2020 Season

A year of transition as artistic leadership evolved and the pandemic forced us to pivot our programming to video after March 2020
Music Gallery: 2018-2019 Season

2018-2019 Season

After our first year at 918 Bathurst we really felt encouraged about what’s possible in this facility, in partnership with the 918 team.
The Music Gallery: 2017-2018 Season

2017-2018 Season

Our first season at 918 Bathurst was all about joining forces; creating new community while maintaining long-standing relationships.
A violinist performs in front of projected images
A vocalist wearing colourful clothing performs in front of a fabric backdrop

Become a member

Help creative music and performance thrive in Toronto. Your contribution supports our vibrant community of innovative artists.

  • Respectfulchild. Photo by Claire Harvie

  • Lido Pimienta. Photo by Kevin Jones

  • Jairus Sharif. Photo Credit: Kevin Jones

  • Six Turntables. Photo Credit: Kevin Jones

A person plays electric guitar while sitting on a stool in the background. Another person in the foreground is kneeling while playing saxophone.
Six people are sitting on the ground manipulating direct-drive turntables

Support our work

Your donation is used to create opportunities for artists to push the boundaries of their creative practice.