Residency Program

The Music Gallery is proud to announce the return of our residency program!!

After receiving hundreds of applicants last year, we hear you, space is important. 

Our residency program spans over January and February 2024 and provides 4 day residencies at 918 Bathurst to participating artists. The purpose of the residency is to take up space! To be big, to be weird, and to be creatively productive, not capitalistically. There is no pressure to perform at the end of your week here, there is no expectation of productive output, this is a residency program to stretch out and be you!

We welcome all artistic disciplines including but not limited to- visual artists, writers, composers, musicians, performance artists, dancers at any stage of their careers as well as activists, teachers, students, or any kind of creative thinker interested in exploring and expanding their work in a way that needs physical room to grow. 

How to apply: 

Applications are collected via this form. There is no application fee for this program. This program is lottery based, meaning we do not qualify artistic merit within our applicants. Those who need space and whose parameters logistically align for the program, will be granted access to the space. Please be as specific with your needs as possible. 

Key Program Information: 

Technical Information:


Residency Timeline:

The Residency program is made possible through a partnership with 918 Bathurst.

  • Bear Witness. Photo by Claire Harvie

  • Melody McKiver. Photo by Terry Lim

An MC introduces a show in front of a projected logo.
A violist performs seated in front of a laptop

Support our work

Your donation is used to create opportunities for artists to push the boundaries of their creative practice.

A violinist performs in front of projected images
A vocalist wearing colourful clothing performs in front of a fabric backdrop

Become a member

Help creative music and performance thrive in Toronto. Your contribution supports our vibrant community of innovative artists.

  • Respectfulchild. Photo by Claire Harvie

  • Lido Pimienta. Photo by Kevin Jones