X AVANT XIV: Willi Williams & New Chance + Holy Hum

Concert in X Avant XIV: Forward Series

The Music Gallery presents

Willi Williams and New Chance WORLD PREMIERE  + Holy Hum

Doors: 7:30PM/Concert 8PM
$25 Regular/$20 Advance/$15 Students, Members, EARLYBIRD

The exciting debut of an intergenerational collaboration between one of Toronto’s most iconic reggae elders and a grassroots electronic adventurer. New Chance, aka Victoria Cheong and Willi Williams (writer of “Armagideon Time” as covered by the Clash) create a new sound for your system with a project that grows from the roots forward into the future. Jamaica’s culture has had a profound impact on Toronto over the past fifty years; this is, as the saying goes, “a new chapter of dub”, celebrating and extending this tradition.

Holy Hum is the dark, atmospheric yet eclectic music of multidisciplinary artist Andrew Lee whose debut All My Bodies, was released last year. Both New Chance and Holy Hum are among the constellation of artists associated with the groundbreaking Blue Crane Agency, dedicated to the promotion of women and artists of colour in Canada, under the stewardship of Tao-Ming Lau. 


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