X AVANT XV: Rough Ideas: A Celebration of Ron Gaskin | October 1

Panel in X Avant XV: Transmissions Series

The Music Gallery presents
Rough Ideas: A Celebration of Ron Gaskin
October 1

The late Ron Gaskin’s work touched everyone in Toronto who craved adventurous music. His rakish disposition was a fixture at live events and on the radio for decades, as he introduced this city to defining musicians in improvisation on a regular basis. Larger festivals were made better by his insightful curation, and the Music Gallery benefited from his musical sensibilities for years as a curator and host of Radio Music Gallery. He was a champion and a cheerleader for vital music. On the first night of X Avant, in which we celebrate the transmission of knowledge from one generation to the next, we come together to honour him. Join us for a Zoom wake – we invite people to share their recollections of Ron over the years, interspersed with some music from friends. As always, expect the unexpected when it comes to Ron’s wild and woolly life and times in music.

photo by Claire Harvie


Stream here https://www.facebook.com/themusicgalleryTO/videos/328992834863988


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