Concert , Multimedia



The Music Gallery presents
February 3 & 4, 2021

TURNONANDBENOTALONE by Jason Doell, is a multi-channel audio and visual installation, activated by a series of four solo instrumental performances. The event will unfold over two nights via the interactive website turnonandbenotalone.com from February 3-4 beginning at 8pm.

“Sitting at the intersection of multi-channel audio/video installation, music performance, poetry, and online presentation, this project is an exercise in sense-making amidst a drifting kaleidoscope of diversions, discrepancies, references, reflections, shadows, spirits, translation, and transformation whose convergence of irreconcilable vectors and sliding coherences spoor a summed knowable,” Jason Doell, TURNONANDBENOTALONE producer.

Amahl Arulanandam, cello
Yang Chen, percussion
Sara Constant, flute
Émilie Fortin, trumpet
Text: Lendl Barcelos, Jason Doell, Charlene K. Lau
Web Design and Development: Xuan Ye
Lighting and Technical Direction: Kai Masoaka
Technical Assistance: Ali Jafri
Live Recording: Paul Hodge
Cinematography: Sel Ghebrehiwot
Photo Documentation: Kevin Jones
This project was funded by the Toronto Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts and Produced by the Music Gallery.
About Jason Doell:
Jason Doell (he/him/his) is a Canadian artist based in Tkarón:to/Toronto whose primary medium is sound with a focus on site/context-specific works, live coding, and signal chain manipulation. Jason’s often delicate work traces the edges of sense-making, and explores the thresholds of contextual coherence, often straddling “composed” work, multimedia installation, and improvisation. www.jasondoell.com

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