Radio Music Gallery Call for Mixes

April 2, 2024


Playlists/mixes are a curatorial outlet; one that we wish to share with community members.

While it might seem like background music, we cherish the process of selecting and building a playlist/mix that can be pumped into performance spaces during doors and intermission at an event. A great playlist/mix can draw connections between artists, styles, and histories, and set the stage for deep listening and engaging with a performance.

We invite community members to submit existing or proposed playlists for inclusion during our upcoming programming. Two applications will be selected and their playlists/mixes will be featured at our What Is Spirituality festival (May 9, 10). The successful playlists/mixes will also be included in the monthly Radio Music Gallery program with FSR.

Submission Requirements

1) Choose between one of these two themes: 

2) Show us what you’re thinking, you can either: 

3) Submit a 100 word / 600 character (max) blurb about your thoughts behind your submission. Feel free to get creative here in your explanation. Describing why music is amazing is incredibly hard!

Successful applicants

Successful applicants will receive a $100 CAD artist fee as well as 5 free tickets to the event featuring their playlist.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to

A violinist performs in front of projected images
A vocalist wearing colourful clothing performs in front of a fabric backdrop

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  • Respectfulchild. Photo by Claire Harvie

  • Lido Pimienta. Photo by Kevin Jones

  • Jairus Sharif. Photo Credit: Kevin Jones

  • Six Turntables. Photo Credit: Kevin Jones

A person plays electric guitar while sitting on a stool in the background. Another person in the foreground is kneeling while playing saxophone.
Six people are sitting on the ground manipulating direct-drive turntables

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Your donation is used to create opportunities for artists to push the boundaries of their creative practice.